Muchery, Le Tarot Astrologique
Le Tarot Astrologique was probably published in 1927 in Paris by B. P. Grimaud. The cards were created by George Muchery, an important French occultist (1892-1981), and designed by Henri Armengol, a French artist (1880-1939). Le Tarot Astrologique seeks to combine the elements of astromancy with tarot. The deck consists of 48 cards, 36 zodiacal sign cards, 9 star and planet cards, and one of each of the ascendants, the ascending node/the descending node, and part of fortune. Three cards in each sign of the zodiac have either no marked value, a value of 10 or 20. There are 39 cards with full- length figures and 9 cards are split images. Most cards have double ended card titles, astrological names, descriptions, and symbols of planets and aspects, square corners.
The design of the cards displays the telltale strong lines and coloring showing the dramatic signs of cards produced before and shortly after the Great War.
The edition shown on these pages is a reprint from 1982 by Editions du Chariot, Illiers- Combray, France (the original publishers that published the first edition in the beginning of the 20th century). This publishing company was founded by George Muchery himself and still exists, now under the name of Editions Chariot D’Or, part of the Piktos Group, one of the major French esoteric publishers.
The box shows some signs of wear, the deck is complete (48 cards) and the cards are in good condition and have rectangular corners, which is a specific characteristic of playing cards printed between 1850-1930. The text on the cards and the text in the accompanying booklet is in French.