Gipsy Tarot / Tarot Tsigane / Zigeuner Tarot
2 Decks! Original Swiss first edition and first US Games edition.
by Walter Wegmüller
From the US Games Systems instruction booklet:
"These Tarot cards were painted between 1968-1974 by the gipsy painter Walter Wegmüller who now lives in Basle and who has been involved with the symbols handed down by his forebears since his childhood. Even today he can be seen on market days as a traveling salesman, a street artist, a story-teller and a diviner.
During the time he was working on these 78 pictures, the 22 trump or Major Arcana cards and the 56 Minor Arcana cards, Wegmüller associated himself with Sergius Golowin. This writer and collector of legends spent all of the 1960s traveling around the South of France, Switzerland and Southern Germany in search of the living traditions of the gipsies."
The original Swiss edition features large cards in a black box with one title card and one information card.
The first US Games Systems edition is a standard size deck with an instruction booklet.
The set features beautifully painted and detailed artwork.
US Games edition:
Printed and © by AGMÜLLER, 1982
8212 Neuhausen / Switzerland
Distributed in USA EXCL. By U.S. Games Systems, Inc. New York, New York
German edition:
Sphinx Verlag Basel, exact date unknown. We think from 1983.
From the info card:
"Wie Du die Wahrheit in Dir selber hast, findest Du sie auch in diesen Karten. Die 78 Tarotkarten enthalten die zeitlosen Bilder und Symbole der ewigen Gesetze des Universums. Sie sind der Spiegel des ewigen Lebens- un Weltenspiels, in dem Du Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft erblickst."
US Games Systems deck is in mint condition, including the box, and the cards are still sealed.
The Swiss deck is in mint condition only the box shows slight signs of wear.