Alan's Tarot
Golden distribution sticker by U.S. games states:
Exotic Tarot
Originally Published, Circa 1900
For Austrian-Lloyd Steamship Lines by Modiano
Reprint Distributed Exclusively in U.S.A. by U.S. GAMES SYSTEMS, INC., N.Y. 10016
Published by Modiano, 1981.
Cards designed by Argio Orell
Trieste 1884 - Trieste 1942
From the description-card of the deck (there are two, one in English and one in Italian):
"A pupil of Scomparini at the <capi d'arte> section of an art school, Argio Orell came back to Trieste after one year at the Munich Academy, where he attended von Stuck's courses. As early as 1903, his exhibition at Salone Shollian had such a success of critics and public as had seldom been recorded in Trieste, where he remained until the war broke out. This was perhaps the best period in his artistic life. Given his contacts with the Circle Artistico and the local Bohemians, he drew his inspiration from Art Nouveau: devotion himself to oil painting and graphics. His works ranged from posters to the Tarot series created for Modiano where he revealed a deep knowledge of Japanese prints, of which he had a fine collection. <Orell Argio> - this show he signed his works because, in his opinion, it sounded better - said: <These are the finest cards in the worlds, because all the others are ugly.> Is this an artist's presumption? Perhaps it is, but, before saying so, look at these Tarots and <discover them>: are they not <unique>?"
78 card Tarot deck.
22 illustrated Major Arcana cards
16 illustrated court cards
40 traditional playing cards: 1-10 x of hearts, spades, clovers, and diamonds